Nigerians Excited At Chinese Calligraphy Culture


Dozens of Nigerians have expressed much enthusiasm and admiration for Chinese calligraphy and painting, which represent people-people relations in art and culture.

It was the occasion of the “Lanting Collection: Narrate China-Nigeria Friendship Through Calligraphy”, held at the Chinese Cultural Centre, Abuja, which attracted lovers of arts and culture from all walks of life.

Cultural Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy and Director of China Cultural Centre in Nigeria, Li Xuda, said the event was for participants to experience splendid Chinese culture, appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy and painting, meet old friends and make new ones, promote the mutual understanding and strengthen people -to–people friendship between both countries.

He said Nigeria, like China, is an ancient civilization with a long history and rich culture. He pointed out that in China’s splendid traditional culture, calligraphy and painting have always been loved by people, passed down from generation to generation.

He said “when it comes to Chinese calligraphy, we want to say that it has a long history of development. It is not only the accumulation and essence of thousands of years of Chinese civilization, but also a treasure of world culture and art.

In his goodwill message, the Permanent Secretary of the Nigerian Ministry of Art, Culture and Creative Economy, Mr. James Sule said Nigeria-China Bilateral Cooperation has been a win-win affair that promotes Cultural Exchange and Expertise.

Sule, who was represented by Acting Director of Cultural Industries and Heritage Department, Rev. N .U.B Anamah, said “China is known for her calligraphy writing that stands for hundreds of years. Calligraphy as we all know is an artistic style that requires a strong creative sense, excellent manual, patience and dedication. It is the art of forming beautiful symbols by hand and inscribing them well.

“Chinese Calligraphy “Shu Fa, is defined by Cihac, (an authoritative, comprehensive Chinese dictionary) as the art of writing stylistic scripts of Chinese characters including the seal, clerical, regular, running and cursive scripts, using a Chinese writing brush.”

“It is an age long tradition which the Chinese people preserved and promoted. It is a set of skills and techniques for positioning and inscribing words so they show integrity, harmony, rhythm and creative fire,” he added.

He said it is pertinent to note that having a Chinese Calligraphy Culture in Nigeria is likened to G5 technology and it will be a great achievement and can serve as a tourist hub of the Chinese Cultural Centre in Nigeria where scholars and lovers of Chinese Character can come and learn the pattern of writing.

He re-affirmed Nigeria’s commitment towards healthy cooperation with China and re-assured of the continued support of the Ministry.