Saudi Embassy Sponsors 25 Nigerians For Lesser Hajj


Amid the economic hardship in the country, the Saudi Embassy in Nigeria has enjoined 25 Nigerians sponsored to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for umrah (lesser hajj) to pray for the country.

The Religious Attaché at the embassy, Nami Ibn Jarullah Ash-Shammari, made the call at a farewell event for the pilgrims.

Ambassador Faisal Ibrahim Al-Ghamidy

He said, “You are being sponsored to perform the umrah and have the opportunity of interacting with one another, sharing ideas, programmes, views and how to move your various communities forward.

“It is a duty on all of you to pray for Nigeria. Make use of this opportunity to make supplications, prayers for Nigeria; it is very important to pray for the success of the country in all ramifications for all problems and challenges to come to an end, security-wise, economically, politically and whatever. With prayers, challenges are bound to disappear with the help of the almighty Allah.”

The 25 pilgrims selected from different parts of the country as part of the 1,000 beneficiaries across countries of the world were given their visas, flight tickets and departed to Saudi Arabia through the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA), Kano, aboard a Saudi Air flight on Thursday. Daily Trust