Palestinian Embassy says Israel kills 11,500 babies in Gaza



The Ambassador of Palestine to Nigeria, Abdullah M. Abu Shawesh, has said that the Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023 has led to the death of no fewer than 11, 500 babies.

In a statement made available to newsmen, the Envoy said: “On the 118th day of the Israel genocidal war against the Palestinian people, the casualty toll has risen to 26,751 Palestinians killed and 65,636 persons injured. Among the dead are 11,500 children, including babies and toddlers.”

Ambassador Shawesh said: “In the Occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the casualty toll has risen to 370 Palestinians killed, including 94 children, and 4,386 injured since 7 October. In January alone, 61 Palestinians, including 13 children, were killed by the IOF and/or settlers”

He chastised the western countries for what he described as double standard for pausing financial support to the Palestinian people.

“This is another practical example of double standards and hypocrisy. Suspending financial assistance to UNRWA at this exact time poses an existential threat to more than 2 million people in Gaza who are totally dependent on it for their daily survival,” he said.

He said: “The UNGA established UNRWA in 1948 with the mandate to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to the registered Palestinian refugees in the agency’s five operational areas, pending a lasting and just solution for their plight. Nearly 75 years later, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who lost their homes and livelihoods in 1948 continue to be displaced and in need of support.”

According to the envoy, when Israel killed 150 innocent UNRWA employees, no one condoned the Israeli terrorist action. The Palestinian government called for all countries that withdraw their funding to review their move and refrain from it. At this exact time, all hands should be on deck, not on the Israeli rifle triggers.