Bangladesh To Deepen Bilateral Relations With Nigeria

Diplomatic Section

The occasion, commemorating Bangladeshi National Day and the 53rd Independence anniversary, served as an opportunity for Mr. Rahman to highlight the robust diplomatic relations between the two countries

Masudur Rahman, the Bangladeshi High Commissioner to Nigeria, has emphasized his nation’s commitment to strengthening bilateral ties with Nigeria during an event in Abuja.

The occasion, commemorating Bangladeshi National Day and the 53rd Independence anniversary, served as an opportunity for Mr. Rahman to highlight the robust diplomatic relations between the two countries, with the added significance of celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties.

“The two countries collaborate deeply in the UN under the aegis of the UN bodies and international organisations, often sharing identical positions while strongly supporting each other.

“We deeply acknowledge with gratitude the much-needed support Bangladesh received from Nigeria in being elected member of the UN HRC, IMO, and in the post of managing director to the Common Fund for Commodities.

“Bangladesh and Nigeria have long-standing close cooperation in the D8, the NAM, the Commonwealth, the OIC and other South-South and Triangular cooperation. Over the years, Bangladesh and Nigeria had deepened their cooperation in defence training, educational exchanges and people to people exchanges.

“Our shared history, identical demographic dividend and synergic diaspora would do much better, as our proactive diplomacy resonates with the four pillars of foreign policy of Nigeria: Democracy, Diplomacy, Demography and Diaspora,” Mr Rahman said.