Cultural Diplomacy: Nigerian Monarch Visits Sweden Embassy, Explores Options

Cultural Diplomacy

In a significant step towards strengthening cultural and diplomatic relations, His Royal Majesty (HRM) Oba Oloyede Adekoya Akinghare II, Illustrious Arujale-Ojima of Okeluse Kingdom, Ondo State, recently paid a courtesy visit to the Embassy of Sweden in Abuja.

The visit, which was accompanied by the Special Assistant on Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Adetayo Abayomi David and the Chief of Staff, Ambassador Prince Michael Olorunfemi, marks a historic milestone in the bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Okeluse and Sweden.

The high-level delegation was warmly welcomed by Ambassador Annika Hahn-Englund, representative of the Swedish Embassy, ​​and Mr. Fredrik Åhsberg, Head of Politics and Trade.

This meeting of esteemed dignitaries laid the foundation for a constructive exchange of ideas and discussions aimed at fostering a strong and mutually beneficial relationship.

In a statement attributed to HRM, Oba Oloyede Adekoya Akinghare II said: “This meeting represents an important step in promoting cultural understanding and diplomatic cooperation between the Kingdom of Okeluse and Sweden.

“We are very grateful for the warm welcome and engagement of Ambassador Hahn-Englund and Mr. Fredrik Åhsberg.The core of the discussion focused on cultural representation and heritage, with the Oba highlighting the global recognition of the rich heritage of the Okeluse Kingdom.”

In his statement, Oba Oloyede Adekoya Akinghare II said: “It is imperative that the world stage recognizes and embraces the cultural richness of Okeluse Kingdom.

“As HRM Oba Oloyede Adekoya Akinghare II eagerly awaits the “harvest of the seeds sown today”, the anticipation and hope for the fruitful outcomes promised by this royal diplomatic meeting is palpable.”